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Why AngularJS is the Most Usable Platform for Web Application Development?



In this era of digitalization, a business’s webpage is often its first impression as well as its first interaction with potential clients. Front-end development plays a crucial role in providing an interactive design, along with easy navigation on the apps. In simpler words, front-end development is responsible for web interactions and visuals to attract viewers to your web pages or mobile applications.

Top two competitors of AngularJS are Ember and Backbone.JS but they are not very popular among the web development industry. 

Talking about front end development, JavaScript offers some amazing frameworks. Some of them are highly recommended to attain, best UI for your web applications, and among them, AngularJS web development is the most popular framework.

Let’s Know AngularJS first

AngularJS is a widely used and one of the finest JavaScript frameworks ever seen, through which web developers build highly professional and interactive websites and web applications. In addition to this, it offers a myriad of advantages and assistance while developing dynamic web pages, to all the web developers across the globe. 

Massive support of google and its communities worldwide are not the sole reason for its popularity. There are more than 4 Million Web Applications that have AngularJS in their code. It is the most popular technology in top software producing countries like the United States, Australia, India, England, Germany and many more. 

Using this framework, an AngularJS developer can develop premium and robust web apps, that cater to the demands of your clients. Being an open-source front end application framework, it offers high accessibility to the developers and simplifies the entire process of web application development. If we set a comparison between this AngularJS and other JS frameworks, AngularJS is quick and has many advantageous features over other frameworks.

A Quick Glance Over Advantages

AngularJS offers dynamic features and exclusive advantages which sets it aside from other frameworks. It put forward the agile web app development process which is highly efficient in saving both time and cost required in the entire web app development process. This framework facilitates complete assistance in the entire process and offers  features like dependency injection, parallel development, convenient testing, and simple architecture.

7 reasons to choose AngularJS

We have shortlisted the top 7 reasons to choose AngularJS in your next project. Let’s have a quick overview of them:

  • MVC and MVVM Architecture Integration

MVC is also known as the model-view-controller architecture and MVVM is popularly known as model-view-view-model architecture. Technically, AngularJS integrates the application into three parts. The first part can be used for data management, the other one for viewing data, while the third one is known as a connector. It acts as a mutual connection between both of them and helps in retaining the connection between the model and its view.

This architecture acts as a blessing to the developers. Real-time view and Changes are visible for developers which saves their time if any bug or error has come in between. Along with this, it allows data to synchronize automatically, and hence it reduces the efforts, by helping developers to meet the deadlines and deliver the projects on time.

  • Offers Community Support

AngularJS is developed and maintained by Google, it comprises a very big community of resource persons who are at high-level expertise in the AngularJS framework with many years of experience. This community helps you to get rid of your doubts and makes sure to clear all the queries efficiently. This community has experts, who are capable of solving highly complex and toughest problems that are associated with front-end development. Developers are always ready to help each other by resolving their queries

This community also hosts conferences to put forward new technologies and hackathon competitions. Many IT organizations and leaders of the industry are invited to these conferences, where they are asked to put forward new developments and technologies. 

  • Easy to Use

AngularJS is a very user-friendly framework to develop web applications. This framework is easier to build large web applications, as it requires small and lightweight codes when compared to other JS frameworks. In addition to this, it uses MVC architecture, which helps developers to see the implementation of applications quickly. For object manipulation, AngularJS does not have getter and setter methods but POJO. Plain Old Javascript Object(POJO) provides all the functionalities inside a package making it further easier for developers to call getter and setter functions. 

  • Declarative and Simple Coding

AngularJS incorporates the utility of the declarative coding paradigm, which automatically makes your code small, lightweight, and simpler to comprehend. The code comprises limited steps and logic which are very much crucial in determining the output. HTML is also used in this framework which makes code much more light and user-friendly.

  • Ensures Two-way Data Binding

Two-way data binding is one of the most exclusive advantages of AngularJS. In simpler words, it acts as synchronization between the model and its view. Let’s understand this technically, In one-way data binding, any change made in the template (view) was not be reflected in the component TypeScript code, Which was its major disadvantage, in order to resolve this issue, AngularJS ensures two-way data binding. The two-way binding facilitates developers by updating the changes and reflecting them in both components. Precisely, whenever you make any changes in the Model, it will be automatically reflected in the View. Similarly, when you make changes in View, it will be reflected in the Model. 

This feature acts as a blessing for developers as it saves a lot of time, effort, and simplifies the entire development process, and changes are reflected in the app interface. This is the major reason why AngularJS leads, amongst all the frameworks, and is highly demanding in the technical world, of front-end development.

  • High on Performance

AngularJS is widely used for developing attractive web apps, that are not only attractive and engaging but also high in performance. It offers customized IDE which allows AngularJS development company to develop the web pages faster by tracking their errors immediately. It offers a good user interface, as it posses enormous templates to develop web pages according to the choices of their clients. Also, Common Line Interface (CLI), allows AngularJS developers to develop web applications and stick the attachments at a faster pace, which is very much efficient in saving time during web app development.

This framework also comprises some unique and outstanding features like data binding, filters, directives, routing, form validation, and many more which allows the developers to create web applications in less frame of time.

  • It Supports Single-Page Applications

AngularJS is also known as a SPA framework because it supports SPA in enormous ways. Due to this feature, the entire process of developing and managing online forums gets easier and lighter for developers.SPA’s load the HTML elements only once and avoids reloading within the page -to- page navigation.

This leads to the decrease in the loading speed, required to load a website, as it loads only the required areas of the website, rather than loading the entire website. Along with this, it keeps a check on the previously loaded sections, to avoid time in loading the whole page again and again. 

Apps Which Are Built On AngularJS Framework

There are many popular organizations, who have a very interactive and user-friendly interface. Though, most of these companies are using AngularJS because of extensive support of Google behind it and additional benefits they get on using this technology. Additional benefits include server space, cloud space and cloud technologies that come handy for these big giants of respective industries. 

  • Netflix
  • PayPal
  • The Guardian
  • Freelancer
  • iStock
  • JetBlue
  • Lego
  • Upwork
  • Youtube for PS3
  • The Weather Channel

Let’s Conclude…

AngularJS web development services are the most sought after services demanded by Clients worldwide. Be it web apps for Enterprises or Startups, experts of the Industries suggest the use of this technology for their projects. Another milestone this language achieved is being compatible across platforms and development environments. The development team is able to work on quality more time when their time consumed on repetitive tasks is saved. 

Reading Recommended- The Most Comprehensive Guide to Web Application Development in 2020

AngularJS web development of websites and web applications will remain in top lists of aspiring entrepreneurs and large enterprises looking to digitize their operations. In any case, if you are looking for a technology that will help you grow, AngularJS can be the best choice. Though, it entirely depends on your requirements whether this will suit your business or not. Experts with years of experience in this industry are the best persons to understand how to leverage this multifunctional language. Before looking to hire an AngularJS developer, consulting an expert can save your dollars. Consulting Whiz is a Web development company in the USA serving clients from the past 10 years. Team of Consulting Whiz has produced applications that are flourishing in the market and attracting quality visitors for clients. For consultation on your business and how you can grow it with AngularJS development, contact the team of consulting now at +1 949 656 9676

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